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PAYE43565 - Employer returns: ECS additional processing action: P11D(b) screen - taxed award schemes

To update / capture the number of Class 1A Employees

  • Select the [Update TAS] button. You will be presented with the Update TAS screen
  • Update / capture the number of employees in the Class 1A Employee field

If you

  • Select the [OK] button the changes made will be saved and you will be returned to the P11D(b) screen
  • Select the [Cancel] button the changes made will not be saved and you will be returned to the P11D(b) screen

The number of employees shown in the P11D(b) screen will automatically update the number of employees displayed in the Class 1A Employees field in the Issue P11D(b) Penalty screen. (ECSM29600).

The number displayed in the screen prior to the update will be

  • The CY-2 number of Class 1A employees
  • Where a number of employees for CY2 has not been captured, the default number ‘0’