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PAYE46023 - Employer returns: employer return post capture: correcting P35 questions and declarations 2005 onwards (Action Guide)

Where you are required to alter one of the answers to the P35 Questions and Declarations section of the P35, but there are no alterations to any of the monetary fields, follow steps 1 - 4 below<ol type="1" start="1"><li>Ensure all P35 displayed in EBS Function View EOY Returns History are at Return Status Indicator (RSI) 2 RSI2 or RSI3 for the relevant year

</li><li>Use EBS Function Record Return Receipt to record receipt of the return</li></ol><blockquote><ul><li class="dash">Use date of receipt of the return you are amending as the Date of Receipt</li><li class="dash">Use Submission Type ‘COMPLETE RETURN’ or ‘PART P35’ to match the return you need to correct</li><li class="dash">Enter the number of forms P14 ‘0’</li><li class="dash">Select the Return Status Indicator ‘2’ checkbox</li></ul></blockquote><ol type="1" start="3"><li>Use EBS Function Capture EOY Return Details to capture the return</li></ol><blockquote><ul><li class="dash">Use Return Class ‘ADDITIONAL COMPLETE’ or ‘ADDITIONAL PART P35’ to match what was entered at Record Return Receipt above</li><li class="dash">Revise the field(s) on the P35 Questions & Declarations dialog box</li><li class="dash">Leave all monetary amounts as NIL</li></ul></blockquote><ol type="1" start="4"><li>Where the answer to both parts of question 6 are ‘Yes’ then follow PAYE53006</li></ol>