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PAYE53025 - Employer returns: employer return work lists: employer not found

A work item is generated and entered on the ‘Employer Not Found’ work list when

  • An EDI return has been submitted
  • A match cannot be made to an employer reference held on the employments framework

Responsibility for the work list

This work list is only available using the EBS EDI Maintainer user role, which is only allocated to staff working on the PAYE Online for Employers - Internet Live Service Team within IMS.

Staff within that team only will be responsible for

  • Contacting the submitter where necessary
  • Referring cases to the appropriate Processing Office with a print-out of the filed return from e-Services Filestore to enable capture
  • The clearance of items from the work list

Work items that cannot be settled quickly can be noted as ‘Working’ which will be displayed as a ‘Y’ in the Working column on the work list itself. This facility is particularly useful to enable other staff to identify cases that are already being reviewed.

Deletion of the work item

The work item is not deleted automatically. When a review of that work item has been completed, you must delete the item manually in Function WORKLISTS.