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PAYE53035 - Employer returns: employer return work lists: filed online capture exception

A work item is generated and entered on the ‘Filed Online Capture Exception’ work list when

  • A return, or return part has been submitted using PAYE Online for Employers - EDI or Internet
  • The return has been recorded as received on EBS but not captured 

It is essential that this work list is reviewed daily and cases are worked urgently as returns have not been processed on EBS or ECS, and charge details have not been sent to ETMP.

Every work item on the ‘Filed Online Capture Exception’ work list will show the Return Class and Return Status Indicator (RSI).

The Return Class

Return Class shows the type of return which generated the work item. It will be one of the following

  • ORIG refers to an Original Return
  • ADD refers to an Additional Return
  • PF refers to a Proforma Return

The Return Status Indicator

The RSI will be one of the following

  • RSI 1 - a return or return parts have been received by ChRIS, but not all the expected parts have been received. The return is still awaiting consolidation within ERIC
Note: Where a work item on the work list is RSI 1, no further action is required and it should be deleted.
  • RSI 2 - a complete return, or a return with all its expected parts has been received by ERIC. The return has been consolidated within ChRIS
  • RSI 3 - a return or return parts have been received by ChRIS, but not all the expected parts have been received. It is not anticipated that any further return parts will be submitted, and the return cannot be consolidated within ChRIS. However, the return details have been released from ChRIS onto other HMRC computer systems (EBS / ECS / NPS / ETMP)

Reason for entry on the work list

The reason for entry on the work list will be one or more of the following

  • NET NIC (less than) MIN VALUE

Responsibility for the work list

This work list is only available using the EBS Employer Maint user role. You will be responsible for

  • Investigating the reason for the exception and taking any remedial action
  • Capturing the return, or return part on EBS
  • The clearance of items from the work list

Work items that cannot be settled quickly can be noted as ‘Working’ which will be displayed as a ‘Y’ in the Working column on the work list itself. This facility is particularly useful to enable other staff to identify cases that are already being reviewed.

Deletion of the work item

The work item is not deleted automatically. When your review has been completed, you should delete the item manually in Function WORKLISTS.