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PAYE60021 - Employment maintenance: in-year forms and data capture - capturing in-year forms (Action Guide)

Follow steps 1 - 6 to capture in-year forms onto the PAYE Service. This guide is presented as follows

Capture in-year form

Steps 1 - 3

If the form is not successfully captured

Step 4

Data capture exceptions

Steps 5 - 6

Capture in-year form

1. To Capture an in-year form:

  • Perform a visual check of the form see PAYE60001
  • Complete the INITIAL DATA CAPTURE screen see PAYE60016
  • Capture all the information from the paper form into the corresponding fields on the screen, the PAYE reference will already be populated from the INITIAL DATA CAPTURE screen


a. If you are capturing a P45 Part 1 or P45 Part 3 and the leaving tax code is shown as being operated on a week 1 / month 1 basis, the week or month number must not be captured.

b. If you are capturing a P45 Part 3 and the tax code is shown as being operated on a cumulative basis but the pay to date and tax to date figures have not been completed or are shown as negative figures, you should enter them as 0.00.

c. If the title entered on the in-year form does not agree with the drop down menu select [Not known].

d. If the address you are capturing is a UK address then leave the entry in the Country field as ‘Select’.

e. Where the works number is present you must ensure this is captured in full.

f. It is not possible to capture the Director indicator onto the P45 or P46 data capture screens. This information should be used to populate the job title field. The Director indicator will be set separately when we receive confirmation the individual is a Director of a Limited Company.

g. When capturing a works number, do not use the ‘#’ symbol anywhere in the works number field.

2. When all information has been entered:

  • Re-check that all information has been entered correctly and figures have not been transposed
  • Press the [Save] button
  • The screen will be cleared except for the PAYE reference number, so the existence check does not need to be carried out again for the employer
  • Destroy the in-year form

3. If you want to capture a different in-year form or the same in-year form with a different PAYE reference number:

  • Press the [Cancel] button to return to the INITIAL DATA CAPTURE screen
  • See step 1

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If the form is not successfully captured

4. An error message will be displayed against the invalid entry. Review the invalid entry against the form submitted:

If the error is a typing error

  • Amend the incorrect entry
  • Press the [Save] button

If the error is as a result of the postcode not being in the correct format

  • Remove the postcode
  • Press the [Save] button

If the error is still not resolved

  • Mark a pencil ‘X’ next to the entry on the form
  • Pass the form to the Data Capture Exceptions
  • Press the [Cancel] button to discard the entries made and return to the INITIAL DATA CAPTURE screen
  • Review the next in-year form see step 1

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Data capture exceptions

5. Review the incorrect / incomplete entries on the form submitted

  • If on further review you are able to process the form, see step 1

If the form is an A5 P45 Part 3 which only failed visual check due to there being no field to enter Gender:

  • Select the INDIVIDUAL SUMMARY screen
  • Note the Gender
  • See step 1

6. If you are unable to process the form:

  • Mark the entry needing to be completed / corrected with a pen ‘X’
  • Return the form on stock letter OCA37