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PAYE61166 - Employment maintenance: create employment: work item 223 - P46 - in year cessation REPT made for same year (Action Guide)

To clear work item 223, follow steps 1 - 15 below. This guide is presented as follows

Initial action

Steps 1 - 4

Review record

Step 5

If all allowances were used in the cessation repayment

Steps 6 - 8

If all allowances were not used in the cessation repayment

Steps 9 - 14

Close the work item

Step 15

Initial action

1. Select the EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY screen to view the relevant employment

2. View the entries in more detail by going to the EMPLOYMENT DETAILS screen

3. Before proceeding check the CONTACT HISTORY screen to view notes and to check previous actions taken

4. If the work item is being reviewed at BF follow the BF notes to clear the work item

Review record

5. Review whether all Personal Allowances were used in the cessation repayment or whether there is a balance of the personal allowance still available

  • If all allowances were used in the cessation repayment see step 6
  • If all allowances were not used in the cessation repayment see step 9

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If all allowances were used in the cessation repayment

6. View IABD LANDING screen

  • Enter the individuals Employment Estimated Earnings, see PAYE130045 and select [Save]
  • When IABD is completed [Submit] the IABD LANDING screen
  • Review the tax code, see PAYE11120 and [Submit]

Note: Do not issue previous pay and tax.

  • Review the EDIT EMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION screen and override the calculated code week 1 / month 1
  • Select the [Recalculate] button and [Submit] to issue the code, see steps 7 or 8

7. If annual coding for CY+1 has been run

  • Return to the IABD LANDING screen
  • Issue CY+1 code removing BR week 1 / month 1 as the operated code and give the full personal allowances due for the year, see step 15

8. If annual coding for CY+1 has not been run

  • BF the work item in accordance with PAYE110060 for 1 March prior to the next EOY
  • Make a clear work item note to remove BR week 1 / month 1 as the operated code and to issue full personal allowances due for the year in CY+1
  • When full personal allowances have been issued at the BF date see step 15

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If all allowances were not used in the cessation repayment

9. Deduct the total pay shown in the cessation repayment from the total allowances due for the year, see step 10

10. View IABD LANDING screen

  • Enter the total pay shown in the cessation repayment into IABD Other Earnings, select [Save]
  • Enter the figure calculated at step 9 into IABD Estimated Earnings for the work item employment
  • Change estimated pay for all other employments to NIL, select [Save]
  • When IABD is completed [Submit] the IABD LANDING screen
  • Review the TAX CODE DETAILS screen, see PAYE11130 and [Submit]

Note: Do not issue previous pay and tax.

  • Review the EDIT EMPLOYMENT ALLOCATION screen and ensure the basis of operation of the calculated tax code to week 1 / month 1 [Submit] to issue the tax code

11. Return to the IABD LANDING screen

  • Change CY+1 Estimated earnings figure in IABD to 15000, select [Save]
  • Change CY+1 Other Earnings, FRE, EXP figure in IABD to NIL, select [Save]
  • When IABD is completed [Submit] the IABD LANDING screen

12. If CY+1 is updated after annual coding

  • Issue the revised tax code, see step 14

13. If CY+1 is updated before annual coding

  • An on screen message will state CY+1 code can not be issued, see step 14

Note: The CY+1 updates will be saved and issued at annual coding.

14. Bf the work item in accordance with PAYE11060 for the next 6 April. Make a clear work item note to remove Other Earnings from CY-1. This will stop both Other Earnings and the P14 for the cessation repayment employment being included in the EOY reconciliation

  • At the BF date remove Other Earnings from CY-1 and then see step 15

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Close the work item

15. Update the CONTACT HISTORY screen to show action taken in accordance with PAYE105020 

And then close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075