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PAYE61217 - Employment maintenance: create employment: work item 310 - P46(Expat) received - no trace employment (Action Guide)

To clear work item 310 follow steps 1 - 10 below. This guide is presented as follows

Initial action

Steps 1 - 3

Update record

Steps 4 - 6

Close the work item

Step 7

Review work managementf

Steps 8 - 10

Initial action

1. Review the employment details by looking at the employers name and job title to see if the case is relevant to Expats

  • If case is an Expat; go to step 2
  • If case is not Expat, you will need to close any Expat work items, for example, 310, 311, 221, 222, 123 and 50 in accordance with step 9 below
  • Issue stock letter to employer
  • Remove SBA Indicator

2. Use Trace and Match for the case to identify if duplicate records are held

  • If duplicate records are found take action in line with the guidance in the Expat, Non Enquiry work guide and PAYE104025
  • If no duplicate records are found, see step 3

3. Before proceeding check the CONTACT HISTORY screen to view notes and to check previous actions taken

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Update record

4. Check ’Employment Details’ to see if Employer is using code 0T and if so, IABD needs to be updated to reflect this

  • Select Individual, select Indicators, tick No Allowances box
  • Complete Contact History with the note ‘PA Withdrawn as P46Expat received employer using 0T’
  • Select IABD, select IABD Landing
  • Select ‘Form Type’ - ‘Other form’
  • Select Employment Estimated Earnings - Enter £50,000 against the PAYE Source
  • Submit in accordance with action guide tax80002
  • Update Contact History in accordance with PAYE105020
  • In Tax Code Details ensure that ‘Notice to Individual’ and ‘Notice to Employer’ is set at NOT ISSUE, select submit

Update Contact History in accordance with PAYE105020

5. Review the INDICATOR DETAILS screen to ensure the ‘Expat Manchester’ Special Business Area indicator is set. In modified cases check that the EMP 6 indicator is set

  • If it is set; go to step 6
  • If it is not set, set the indicator; then go to step 6

6. Set up / reactivate an existing SA record following the appropriate SA guidance for setting up new cases

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Close the work item

7. When the SA record has been set up / reactivated

  • Update the CONTACT HISTORY screen to show the action taken in accordance with PAYE105020 
     And then
  • Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075

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Review work management

8. Search Work Management for any other work items held for the individual using the Nino or TRN search

  • If no work items are found
  • Select [x] in the top right of the screen to exit

9. If work item 49 / 123 / 221 is presented

  • Put a [x] next to each work item. Ignore any other work items presented as these will be worked separately
  • Select Bulk Assign (this will then give you a list)
  • Select the first item on the list to open the item
  • Select reason for completing ‘none of the above’
  • Write in the notes section ‘Created in error’ [Submit]
  • Select the small [x] in the top right of the screen, below the Printer icon to return to your work item basket

10. When all work items have been cleared you will receive message ‘no matching data found’

  • Select ‘Log off’ in the top left of the screen to exit