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PAYE62020 - Employment maintenance: cease employment: employers using computerised stationery

A continuous stationery version of form P45 (P45(Continuous)) is available for use byemployers with computerised pay rolls. It is the same size and has the same layout as theordinary form except that

  •  Parts 2 and 3 are joined down the left hand side and not along the bottom edge
  • The employer computer-prints the issuing Processing Office number and reference at item 1

Versions of the P45 are available which can be used for laser printing

  • P45 (Laser-Continuous) is suitable for completion by high speed laser printer
  • P45 (Laser-Sheet) for completion by a cut-sheet laser printer

There is a Welsh language version of the form (P45(W)) which is available on requestfrom the Welsh Customer Service Team at Porthmadog Office.

  • Any requests for a Welsh language form version should be recorded in the ‘Welsh Language’ establishment file with the
    • Name and reference number of the individual or employer
    • Date the forms were requested