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PAYE64010 - Employment maintenance: maintain employment: employment details

You can edit the following employment details on the EMPLOYMENT DETAILS screen, which can be accessed by selecting the [Drill down] button next to the relevant employment on the EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY screen

  • Works number and job title
  • Employments indicators such as the Director indicator DIR and the Manual correspondence to employer indicator MCOEMP
  • Pay and tax details held for the employment
  • Employment type, for example primary to secondary


1. When inserting a works number do not use the ‘#’ symbol anywhere in the Works No field.

2. Where you see a ‘?’ within the Works No field, check whether the JSA indicator is set. If the JSA indicator is set, change the ‘?’ to ‘$’. If the JSA indicator is not set, delete the ‘?’ from the Works No field.

3. You should not amend a works or payroll number, or alter pay and tax details which have been supplied by either a non-RTI or RTI employment. All updates to this information should be received from the employer and will be updated automatically.

Where employment details are amended field validation will be applied as you move between the fields. If any details are invalid an error message will be displayed.

Where pay and tax details are amended a tax table check will be performed. If a discrepancy is identified a message will be displayed prompting you to review the pay and tax details captured.

If the correct details have been captured, and it isn’t possible to amend them from telephoning the employer, you should capture the figures as supplied and send a tax table discrepancy letter to the employer.

For further information see action guide tax80003.

Note: The EMPLOYMENT RE-ALLOCATION screen can be accessed from the EMPLOYMENT DETAILS screen. Operators with the ‘PAYE Merge’ user role will be able to re-allocate incorrect employments as required. See PAYE64015.