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PAYE65016 - Employment maintenance: employment agencies: agency schemes - employer education (Action Guide)

As part of the initial employer education process, follow steps 1 - 4 below. The guide is presented as follows

Initial action

Step 1

Action by nominated officer

Steps 2 - 3

Follow up action by local office

Step 4

Initial action

1. Staff who work on Employment Maintenance should

  • Keep a list of any problem agency references found in day to day work
  • Pass the list regularly to the nominated officer

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Action by nominated officer

2. The nominated officer should

3. If there has been no negative response after ten days

  • Send a copy of the stencil letter to the Regional Business Support Team Manager

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Follow up action by local office

4. The Business Advisor is only responsible for the initial employer education visit. You should

  • Deal with any matters arising from that visit
  • Develop and maintain a good working relationship with the employer