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PAYE66011 - Employment maintenance: employer part scheme transfers: part scheme transfer lists (Action Guide)

To deal with the lists produced in a part scheme transfer, follow steps 1 - 15 below. The guide is presented as follows

Initial action

Steps 1 - 3

Commence transfer

Steps 4 - 9

Complete transfer

Steps 10 - 12

Reverse part scheme transfer

Steps 13 - 15

For details of how to access any of the PAYE Service and EBS functions, use PAYE057.

Initial action

1. Review the information provided to satisfy yourself that the employer is to be moved

2. Select the EMPLOYMENT MANAGEMENT screens from the Links Landing page


Commence transfer

4. Enter the old employer reference details in the Originating Employer Reference fields

  • Select the [Find] button to verify the employer reference

If the employer reference is invalid

  • Review and re-enter the correct employer reference number
  • Enter the end date

5. Enter the new employer reference details in the Destination Employer Reference fields

  • Select the [Find] button to verify the employer reference

If the employer reference is invalid

  • Review and re-enter the correct employer reference number

Note: If the transfer is a regression or reversal of a previously completed transfer see step 13.

  • Enter the start date
  • Press the [Next] button to be taken to the SELECT TRANSFERRED EMPLOYMENTS screen

6. Enter the National Insurance Numbers to be transferred

  • Select the [Submit] button

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

8. If a National Insurance Number is not entered in the correct format an error message will appear

Note: For example a National Insurance Number should be in the format aannnnnna and for a Temporary Reference Number nnannnnn.

  • Amend the National Insurance Number
  • Select the [Submit] button

9. If a National Insurance Number has been correctly entered but an error message appears

  • Keep a list of the incorrect National Insurance Numbers
  • Delete the National Insurance Number from the transfer screen
  • When part-transfer has been completed, send a list of the individuals you were unable to process to the employer to confirm the correct National Insurance Numbers
  • Request that the employer responds direct to Customer Operations NIC&EO Team who requested you to perform part scheme transfer

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Complete transfer

10. When the screen has been successfully submitted a dialogue box will ask whether you wish to transfer more individuals

  • If you select Yes, the screen will refresh; see step 6
  • If you select No
  • You will be returned to the EMPLOYMENT SCHEME TRANSFER screen
  • The PAYE Service will validate the update by batch
  • The CONTACT HISTORY screens will be automatically updated of the actions taken

11. Check the individual record to ensure the transfer updated the employment record

12. The list should be returned to the Employer section, along with a copy of any letter issued to the employer - see step 9, advising them that

  • The part scheme transfer has been performed
  • It should be filed in their Employer Record file

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Reverse part scheme transfer

13. View the EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY screen for each employment to be reversed

  • Press the Edit Record icon next to ‘merged to’ reference
  • Press the [Delete] button and [OK] button to return to the EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY screen
  • Press the Edit Record icon next to the ‘merged from’ employment
  • Remove cessation details and select [Save]
  • Consider whether coding needs to be reviewed
  • Update CONTACT HISTORY screen to show action taken

14. Check the individual record to ensure the reverse transfer updated the employment record

Note: If some records cannot be traced or additional information is required contact the employer.

15. Return the reversal list to the Employers section, advising them that

  • The reversal has been actioned
  • It should be filed in the Employer Record File