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PAYE7016 - Appeals and reviews: decision makers and reviewers: ECS checks menu (Action Guide)

Follow steps 1 - 7 to navigate the Individual Submissions and the Employer Submissions screens. This guide is presented as follows

Individual Submissions

Steps 1 - 4

Employer Submissions

Steps 5 - 7

Individual Submissions

1. Select the ECS checks tab from the left hand side bar

  • Select Individual Submissions

2. Enter the National Insurance number (NINO) including suffix for the individual case you want to review and [Submit]

  • The screen will be populated with all starter and leaver forms submitted for the individual

3. If the screen is not populated

  • Amend the NINO suffix entered so all suffix combinations are attempted A, B, C and D [Submit]

Note: You can filter the list further by entering the year and quarter you wish to review for the individual and selecting [Apply].

4. Next, select the View Record icon next to the document type you wish to review

  • The FORM SPECIFIC MANDATED CHECKS screen will be populated with the individual’s
  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Form receipt date

Top of page

Employer Submissions

5. Select the ECS checks tab from the left hand side bar

  • Select Employer Submissions

6. Enter the Employers PAYE reference number for the employer you want to review and [Submit]

  • The screen will be populated with all starter and leaver forms submitted by the employer

Note: You can filter the list further by entering the year and quarter you wish to review for the individual and selecting [Apply].

7. Next, select the View Record icon next to the document type you wish to review

  • The FORM SPECIFIC MANDATED CHECKS screen will display which individuals the employer has submitted the selected forms for. For each individual it will show their
  • National Insurance number
  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Form receipt date