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PAYE91055 - Reconcile individual: overpayments: re-issue / re-instate repayment

This functionality allows you to either issue a replacement repayment or re-instate a cancelled repayment. This version of the Repayment Details screen can only be accessed by those with the Payable Order Control role. You will only be able to re-issue or re-instate the repayment after it has been cancelled. See action guide tax80120 for more information about cancelling repayments. The calculation for the year must be shown as ‘issued’ in reconciliation before any action is taken.

The re-issue repayment option should be selected when the original repayment has been returned as damaged, see action guide tax40261.

The re-instate repayment option should be used when the customer reports the original payable order has not been cashed or received but Finance / OPG subsequently confirm that it has been.

For guidance when a customer is unable to cash a payable order see action guide tax80032.