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PAYE94015 - Reconcile individual: in-year reconciliation: automatic in-year reconciliation checks

All claims

  • The form P45 Part 1 details or equivalent FPS leaving information must be held. If these details are not held the message ‘No P45 has been received for this individual’ will be displayed. You should not attempt to input the P45 Part 2 and 3 details, if held, as P45 Part 1 data
  • For non RTI employments only, if a P45 Part 1 is not held but the case is a complaint case, ask the customer for the P45 Part 1(A). On receipt, capture the Part 1(A) as a P45 Part 1. Return the Part 1(A) to the customer
  • For RTI employments where FPS leaving information is not held, see action guide tax80099 
  • If the CPR or Expat indicator is set but not the SA indicator, the claim cannot be processed. A message will be displayed
  • In year calculation following capture of P50, P50z or P52 will take place even if there is an un-reconciled or ‘open’ previous year

Cessation or pension lump sum (formerly known as trivial commutation payments) Lump sum death benefit, or pension flexibility claim (not unemployment repayment claim)

  • If the SA indicator is present then no calculation will be triggered. The message ‘An SA interest exists and no calculation can be processed’ will be displayed. For information on how to deal with both SA and non SA pension lump sum claims see action guide tax80104 

Unable to process claim?

Where you are unable to process the claim you must

  • Write to the customer to advise them why the repayment can not be made now
  • Issue a Form P43 (SEES) if the P45 Part 1 details are outstanding
  • Make a note in Contact History with the details of the action taken
  • Make a note in Contact History with the details of where the claim papers are held
  • Create a paper BF (see PAYE105520)