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PAYE94040 - Reconcile individual: in-year reconciliation: cessation repayment calculation: overpaid

Where the tax calculation results in an overpayment and you select the [Submit] button you will be taken to the first ‘Reason for overpayment’ screen, you can select up to 5 valid reason boxes from this screen. These will be the messages displayed on the calculation issued to the individual or agent.

If none of the 'Reasons for overpayment' from the first screen are relevant you must then select the [Next] button. This will take you to the second ‘Reason for overpayment’ screen. You can again select up to 5 valid reason boxes. Where none of the reasons are valid you should select the ‘other’ field and enter a valid reason.

You must then select the recipient for the repayment. If you select

  • Agent
  • Capacitor
  • Individual

You will be taken to the ‘Reconciliation summary’ screen where the result of the calculation will be displayed
If you select

  • Nominee

You will be taken to the ‘Repayment recipient’ screen.

You must then enter the details of the nominee to whom the repayment is to be issued.

When you select the [Submit] button, you will be taken to the ‘Reconciliation summary’ screen where the result of the calculation will be displayed.

The system will prepare the tax calculation (P800) for issue and post the details to the Accounting function to process the repayment.

You must

  • Make a note in Contact History with the details of the action taken
  • Make a note in Contact History with the details of where the claim papers are held