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PSA2090 - Dealing With PAYE Settlement Agreements: Payments on account

If an employer wishes to make a payment on account before the agreement is finalised you must take the following action

  • ask the employer to send a cheque to you
  • use Print Payslip to print a proforma when the payment on account is received in your office (there is no need to issue a payslip before the payment on account is received)
  • enter the 15 character SAFE customer reference on the proforma payslip
  • send the proforma payslip with the cheque to Account Office Shipley.

If an employer wants to make a payment on account by BACS, CHAPS, Online or Telephone banking, debit or corporate credit card online or direct debit, to ensure the payment on account is allocated correctly when the SAFE charge is created

  • tell the employer to pay using their SAFE customer account reference. (Use SAFE function “View Customer Account” to find their SAFE customer reference.)