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PSA2120 - Dealing With PAYE Settlement Agreements: Forms used for PSAs

All PSA forms are held in a folder on SEES in “Forms and Letters”. Click on the “Employer Compliance” checkbox to view the “PSA Forms & Calculators” folder.


  • PSA calculator - complete and print . Used to calculate the total tax and Class 1B NICs due under a PSA (2008-09 onwards).
  • PSA1 - print only. PSA calculation form. Used by employers to report the value of the items included in an agreed PSA.
  • P626 - complete and print. Used to agree the terms and scope of a PSA to be signed by the employer and the Authorising Officer.
  • P640 - complete and print. Notice of determination under Regulation 110.
  • P640(Cert) - print only. Used to certify multiple Regulation 110 charges.
  • P642 - complete and print. Notice of an amended determination under Regulation 110 charges.
  • P643 - print only. Notification sent to A & PS Network Unit showing a summary of amounts of tax and NICs charged by Regulation 110 determination.