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PSA6010 - Using the Employer Compliance System (ECS) for PSAs: Introduction

This part of the PSA Manual explains what information you must enter on the Employer Compliance System (ECS) and how to update ECS to record PSA information.

To access the PAYE Settlement Agreement window in ECS take the following action

  • select ‘Related’ on the ‘Employer Details’ window
  • select PAYE Settlement Agreement from the dropdown menu
  • you will now be presented with the PAYE Settlement Agreement screen.

Online help is available. To access click on the Help button displayed on the screen you are viewing or press the F1 key on your keyboard.

Hover Help is also available on screens you are viewing. Hover Help is a brief single line description shown at the bottom of the screen you are viewing. The description will outline the type of field entry or state the purpose of the button.

To display the Hover Help move your mouse pointer over an input field or button. Where a button is disabled Hover Help will not be available.

Further guidance on using ECS to report PSA information is available by accessing Online Learning select

  • Prospectus title: Employer compliance system (ECS): Specialist roles e-Learning
  • Prospectus item code: 007680

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)