PSA6030 - Using the Employer Compliance System (ECS) for PSAs: Including or Rejecting Items

PSA2030 explains that following receipt of P626 signed by the employer the ECS record must be updated to show whether each item has been included or rejected and that the form P626, signed by the Authorising Officer, has been sent back to the employer.

To do this

  • go into the PAYE Settlement Agreement screen
  • click on the Include/Reject button

The screen displays items previously requested and allows you to note each item to be included or rejected from the PSA.

To select an item for consideration

  • select the required item to highlight the entry, and as apprpriate
  • click on either the Include or Reject button.

You can select one or more item(s) to include or reject. As you proceed, these will disappear from the screen.

Note: You will only be able to include or reject items, which have previously been noted as Requested.

ECS automatically displays the date of the decision as today, amend the date if necessary for each item.

The screen remains open until all available items have been Included or Rejected. You can leave any remaining items with the status Requested as required.

To do this

  • click on the Cancel button to exit the Include/Reject PSA Items screen and return to the PAYE Settlement Agreement screen for the selected employer and year.

Signing the PSA


To record the date of signature

  • click on the Update button in the PSA screen
  • enter the date the P626 was signed by the Authorising Officer and sent back to the employer.

ECS will now show the date the PSA was agreed and which items are included or rejected for the year.


The settled field enables you to record the date on which the employer fulfilled his obligations.

Note: The settled date must be recorded before you will be allowed to record the Settlement Type.

Settlement Type

The settlement type is the method recorded for concluding the PSA for the selected year. (PSA6040 refers.)


Tick the Reg110 box where a Regulation 110 Determination has been raised.


The Increase button enables you to change the Charge Reference where you have previously added further charge details to the PSA Year settlement but is now superfluous as the PSA charge is created through SAFE.


The Delete button will be disabled. This is reserved for authorised users; (this option will delete the whole PSA record).

When an authorised user selects Delete they will be presented with the message ‘Are you sure you want to delete the selected PSA item?’

  • Selecting the OK button will remove the PSA and all related information.
  • Selecting the Cancel button will return to the previous screen.