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Updates: Property Income Manual


7 May 2024 published amendments

Introduction: contents

Add new PIM1015 to menu

Introduction: basis of assessment and time apportionment

Updates to reflect impact of basis period reform and other stylistic improvements.

Introduction: overview

New content on impact of basis period reform, plus minor stylistic improvements.

Introduction: Property Income: Income Tax

Update to reflect impact of basis period reform plus other stylistic improvements

Introduction: basis periods for partnerships

Updates including impact of basis period reform.

Rent-a-room: exemption limits

Reflecting impact of basis period reform

2 May 2024 published amendments

PIM Feedback

Archiving page as other feedback route available which is monitored by HMRC guidance team


17 July 2023 published amendments

Overseas landlords

Revision of menu to include pages in the rewritten PIM4800 series, bringing together guidance previously in PIM and INTM.

Overseas landlords - summary of the non-resident landlord scheme

Replacement of page as part of major rewrite of PIM4800 series bringing together previous guidance in PIM and INTM.

The Non-resident Landlords Scheme - letting agents

Replacing existing page as part of a major rewrite bringing together guidance previously in PIM and INTM. See whole PIM4800 series.

The Non-resident Landlords Scheme - tenants

Published Process Changes

The Non-resident Landlords Scheme - non-resident landlords

Published process changes

The Non-resident Landlords Scheme - usual place of abode

Published process changes

11 January 2023 published amendments

Other sums treated like premiums: Transfer of land

Link to INTM600020 - this page has now been archived and new link provided to intm600000 as the guidance has been updated.


12 October 2022 published amendments

Other sums treated like premiums: Transfer of land

Removal of guidance on s746 ICTA, as that was repealed wef 2007. Inserted new cross-ref to INTM to transfer of assets abroad guidance.

29 July 2022 published amendments

Deductions: interest: interest paid abroad

Add ref to s874(2). Cross refs to SAIM. Updated ref/link to LB DTA team. Amended uncommercial interest section to refer explicitly to W&E and link back to the PIM pages on W&E.

3 March 2022 published amendments

Property Income Manual: update index

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: changes 26 September 2014

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Property Income Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.


27 November 2020 published amendments

23 November 2020 published amendments

19 November 2020 published amendments

Capital allowances

Page numbers PIM3020 to 3050 archived

Amalgamating pages PIM3010 to 3050 incl to this page, archiving the other four. This change imports the new text.

Capital allowances: overview

Page archived

Archiving reason text added

Capital allowances: qualifying plant and machinery

Page archived

Capital allowances: furnished holiday lettings

Page archived

Capital allowances: calculation

Page archived

18 November 2020 published amendments

Introduction: basis of assessment and time apportionment

Add para on NR Co landlords & loser ref to 1995/96.

9 October 2020 published amendments

Introduction: basis of assessment and time apportionment

Reordering and updating to present the content better.

18 September 2020 published amendments

Furnished holiday lettings: contents

Links to archived pages removed

Furnished holiday lettings: historic qualifying tests for IT

Page archived

Furnished holiday lettings: qualifying tests for CT taxpayers up to 2010-11

Amended the wording for archive reason

Archived guidance

Addition of FHL archived guidance

Addition of archived FHL guidance

7 August 2020 published amendments

Other sums treated like premiums: sums payable in lieu of rent or for surrender of a lease

Update and rewrite to include the legislative formula.

Other sums treated like premiums: sums received for variation or waiver of the terms of a lease

Update, include legislative formula and update calculations to use formula.

31 July 2020 published amendments

Deductions: premiums paid: multiple taxpayers

Rewrite to remove references to archaic compliance process, clarify application of law and generally improve drafting and presentation.

28 July 2020 published amendments

Property allowance: contents: definitions: relievable receipts

Changed formatting for readability ease

26 June 2020 published amendments

23 June 2020 published amendments

Rent-a-room: contents

PIM4060 archived.

rent-a-room: flowchart

Page archived.

5 June 2020 published amendments

Furnished lettings: Renewals basis: 2012-13 and earlier

fix to hashtags

Rent-a-room: contents

remove flow chart (PIM4060)

Rent-a-room: going abroad and/or occupying job related accommodation

diversity, formatting harmonisation, date updates, remove ref to Sch A

Furnished holiday lettings: historic qualifying tests for IT

added links and minor formatting

23 April 2020 published amendments

Introduction: contents

This page had unaccountably been lost from this menu and therefore the manual. I am reattaching it.


2 July 2019 published amendments

Deductions: main types of expense: legal and professional costs

Removed hashes that were appearing on


14 December 2018 published amendments

Use of trading income rules: splitting receipts and expenses between years

added cash basis section

Premiums: how the charge is calculated

change to formulaic approach plus update dates

Other sums treated like premiums: lease requiring tenant to carry out work on premises

update refs, names more ethnically diverse. remove ref to district

Other sums treated like premiums: sale of property with right to buy back

update refs. change to formulaic approach

Other sums treated like premiums: sale of property with right to lease back

added example, updated refs,

Other sums treated like premiums: seeking advice from the Valuation Office Agency

add links to bai and voa. change wording slightly

Deductions: interest: restriction for income tax purposes from 2017/18: introduction

New pages for restriction of interest for IT

Deductions: main types of expense: bad and doubtful debts

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: costs due to common ownership

moved page and updated link

Deductions: main types of expense: fees for loan finance and similar items

moved, updates legislation and links

Deductions: main types of expense: insurance premiums and recoveries

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: rates and council tax

moved and linked to bim

Deductions: main types of expense: rent collection

moved and updated link

Deductions: main types of expense: rent paid out

moved and reordered, updated links

Deductions: premiums paid: deemed premium for surrender of a lease

Moved premiums paid sub-section and updated

Deductions: premiums paid: multiple taxpayers

formatting, links

Moved premiums paid sub-section but not yet updated

Rent-a-room: receipts above exemption limit

attempt fix to

Property allowance: contents: computations: partial relief (one property business - UK or overseas)


22 May 2018 published amendments

Archived guidance

Additional pages added

29 March 2018 published amendments

Property allowance: contents

added pim4430, 4440

Adding pages

21 March 2018 published amendments

Overseas landlords

significant updates and split into two pages

19 March 2018 published amendments

14 March 2018 published amendments

Deductions: main types of expense: legal and professional costs

issues on - attempt fix by republishing

27 February 2018 published amendments

Archived guidance

Publishing new contents

26 February 2018 published amendments

Archived guidance

added new pages

9 February 2018 published amendments

1 February 2018 published amendments

Deductions: premiums paid: overview

moved premiums section. updated links, leg refs

Deductions: premiums paid: payer sublets without receiving a premium

Moved premiums paid sub-section and updated

Deductions: premiums paid: payer sublets and receives a premium

Moved premiums paid sub-section and updated

Deductions: premiums paid: premises used for rental business

Moved premiums paid sub-section and updated

Deductions: premiums paid: interaction with capital allowances

Moved premiums paid sub-section nad updated

30 January 2018 published amendments

Deductions: interest: contents

updated interest contents

26 January 2018 published amendments

Deductions: Contents

updated contents to reflect new structure

Deductions: general rules: contents

updated contents to reflect new structure

Deductions: repairs: contents

Created repairs contents

Deductions: interest: contents

New contents for interest sub-section

Deductions: interest: overview

Updated legislation and wording

Deductions: interest: restriction for income tax purposes from 2017/18: apportionment

New pages for restriction of interest for IT

Deductions: interest: restriction for income tax purposes from 2017/18: calculation

New pages for restriction of interest for IT

Deductions: interest: further restrictions of relief for interest on a loan used to invest in a property partnership

updated to reflect new legislation

Deductions: interest: interest paid abroad

updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: interest: swaps held by IT payers

moved, not yet updated

Deductions: main types of expense: contents

new contents for main types of expense

Deductions: main types of expense: advertising expenses

moved pages

Deductions: main types of expense: cash back on loans


Deductions: main types of expense: cost of providing services

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: criminal payments, bribes and similar items

moved and updated legislation

Deductions: main types of expense: entertaining expenses and gifts

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: expenses for own home

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: fines

moved page and updated terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: legal and professional costs

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: properties not let at a commercial rent

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

Deductions: main types of expense: salaries and wages of employees

moved and updated legislation

Deductions: main types of expense: travelling expenses

Moved + updated to reflect new legislation/terminology

New section for fixed rate mileage allowance

Deductions: premiums paid: contents

Moved premiums paid sub-section but not yet updated

Deductions: apportionment on sale of a let property

moved, removed 2 additional pages and condensed into single page to reflect new, simpler legislation (discussed via email)

Deductions: sale and leaseback of land

moved and updated legislation

Beginning and end of a rental business: cessation

Updated legislation and terminology
Details re post cessation receipts/expenses and legislative references split into separate page

Furnished holiday lettings: contents

add PIM4140 and PIM4150

Furnished holiday lettings: calculating profits and losses

Correct typos

Furnished holiday lettings: treatment of FHL losses for 2011-12 onwards

Add legislation reference

Losses for CT: setting losses against future profits

added update for 2017 rule change

24 January 2018 published amendments

Losses for Corporation Tax: contents


Re-published to update with revised order

23 January 2018 published amendments

Deductions: general rules: applying the wholly & exclusively rule

updated (including legislation)

Deductions: repairs: overview

split into multiple repairs pages

Deductions: repairs: is it capital?

updated + split repairs section

Deductions: repairs: other rules

broke up, improved and updated repairs section

22 January 2018 published amendments

Beginning and end of a rental business: contents

- split information into more pages

Capital allowances

Moving contents page

8 January 2018 published amendments

Beginning and end of a rental business: post-cessation receipts and expenses

changed from contents to page on post cessation for section above

Beginning and end of a rental business: legislative references for post-cessation receipts and expenses

new page for legislative references for post cessation receipts and expenses

Rent-a-room: receipts above exemption limit

rejig of structure of page. formatting harmonisation

Furnished holiday lettings: overview

change to overview. total revamp

Furnished holiday lettings: qualifying tests for 2011-12 onwards (IT and CT)

revamp. now harmonised rules(cases). use manual rather than helpsheets

Furnished holiday lettings: historic qualifying tests for IT

change to historic IT cases - total revamp

Furnished holiday lettings: qualifying tests for CT taxpayers up to 2010-11

revamp - historic qualifying tests for CT

Furnished holiday lettings: calculating profits and losses

total revamp - calc of profits/losses

Furnished holiday lettings: treatment of FHL losses for 2011-12 onwards

change to current losses page

5 January 2018 published amendments

Premiums: contents

add 1203 - taxation of premiums

Premiums: 'Granting' vs 'assigning' a lease

change of name

Premiums: lease granted on or before 12 June 1969

update refs and formatting. add bai submission

Furnished lettings: Overview

change to overview page

Furnished lettings: Replacement of domestic items relief: 2016-17 onwards

change from wear and tear allowance to current relief for replacement of domestic items

Furnished lettings: wear & tear allowance: 2011-12 to 2015-16

change to wear and tear allowance from 2011/12-2015/16

Furnished lettings: wear & tear allowance: 2010-11 and earlier

change to ESC B47 -wear and tear

Furnished lettings: Renewals basis: 2012-13 and earlier

make old renewals basis

4 January 2018 published amendments

Premiums: Definition of a premium

purely defining a premium and distinguishing from rent. no longer about taxation of premiums

Other sums treated like premiums: Overview

update refs and formatting. use formula for example

3 January 2018 published amendments

Capital allowances

Creating contents page

Capital allowances: qualifying plant and machinery

Removed ABA and IBA pages

Updated page on qualifying plant and machinery

Capital allowances: furnished holiday lettings

Replaced hotels page with FHL page

Losses for Income Tax: contents

Additional pages added to break up information further

Losses: overview

Updated, removed duplication

Losses for Corporation Tax: contents

Updating contents page to reflect new sections

To be contents page for CT losses section


26 December 2017 published amendments

Introduction: overview

deleted refs to wear and tear. add cash basis, replacement of domestic items relief, property allowance and updated legislative references

Use of trading income rules: contents

- Additional page added as examples split from overview

Income excluded from UK property business: contents

Updated to reflect changes to pages

12 December 2017 published amendments

Income excluded from UK property business: other property income

- Rewritten

Income excluded from UK property business: wayleaves: CT

- Updated legislation and removed references to cases and removed references to schedules and cases
- Removed legislation section as added as title
- Removed section defining easements as does not appear to be defined in CTA09 sections

Rent from property outside the UK: Corporation Tax (CT)

- updated to reflect CTA09

11 December 2017 published amendments

Introduction: contents

add pim1005

Introduction: Property Income: Income Tax

taken out a lot of unnecessary detail updated references

Introduction: what is a UK property business?

update to CTA09. update cash basis

Income chargeable: deposits or bonds taken from tenants

- Minimal rewriting of section split from 1051
- Previous 1052 now 1054

Use of trading income rules: splitting receipts and expenses between years

- split examples from page
- added hyperlinks to BIM pages
- added reference to cash basis at top of page
- signposted interest restriction
- use of cash basis section to be archived


10 October 2016 published amendments

Deductions: main types of expense: expenses for own home

Added PIM2106 for detail of finance cost restriction

Deductions: main types of expense: fees for loan finance and similar items

Updated to refer to finance restriction