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RM1024 - RA action: If there is a document with the claim

Never pin or pierce an original document in any way.

If the Public Trustee provides you with a photocopy or certified copy you need not return it. In other cases, if there is an original document with the claim

  • do not stamp the document or mark it in any way
  • return the document to the claimant with a letter based on the draft below
  • make a note of the date of return on the claim papers
  • if you cannot hand it back
  • return it by recorded delivery


  • return it by registered post if the claimant asks you to.

Adapt the following draft letter to suit the circumstances.

I am returning the document which you sent me with your claim/on ……….* because I cannot deal with the claim immediately.

If possible I shall examine your claim without the document. If I do need the document before making any repayment I shall write and ask you to return it to me for inspection.

  • delete or complete as appropriate.