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RM1286 - RO instructions: If a claimant calls with vouchers

RM1282 deals with a claimant who calls with vouchers without making a claim for the period.

If a claimant calls with vouchers and asks to have them back before leaving explain that

  • you cannot repay without the vouchers
  • if the claimant needs vouchers for another purpose now the repayment will be delayed until you get the vouchers back again
  • you will return the vouchers after making the repayment.

If the claimant agrees to leave the vouchers

  • get a written application for the vouchers to be returned
  • return the vouchers after repayment (RM4216).

If the claimant insists on taking the vouchers

  • ask your Group Leader to initial your note of interview
  • return the vouchers


  • put the file away.