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RM1524 - Setting up a new annual claims case record: Format 2

Complete Format 2 as follows

Field Notes and action required
AGENT CODE If you entered an agent code in Format 1 the code will be shown here and if you forgot to enter an agent code in Format 1 you can do so now.
CLIENT REF If the agent uses a reference to identify the client, enter it here.
AGENT NAME There must be an entry if there is an entry in CLIENT REF and none in AGENT CODE, coded agent, do not enter an agents name if you have entered the agent code, non-coded agent. Enter the name of the agent using the rules in RM1508.
AGENT ADDRESS If an agent name is shown there must be an address. If there is not an agent name there must not be an entry here. Coded agent. If you have entered an agent code you do not need to enter the address here. Non-coded agent. Enter the address using the rules in RM1512.
AGENT ABROAD? Must be blank if there is not an entry in AGENT CODE or AGENT NAME. Coded agent. The entry must be N or blank as an agent abroad cannot be set up as a coded agent. Non-coded agent. Enter N or leave blank where the address is within the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands or one of Her Majesty’s ships with British forces abroad or an address which has a British Forces Post Office (BFPO) number. If the address is not one of the above, enter Y.
CLAIM FORM TYPE - IND Compatible claim form - R40, R40SP, 11PW
CLAIM FORM TYPE - RBS Compatible claim form -R63N
CLAIM FORM TYPE - TU Compatible claim form - R67
CLAIM FORM TYPE - RFSRFS Compatible claim form - R69
CLAIM FORM TYPE - UFS Compatible claim form - R70
MANUAL CLAIM FORM? It must be Y if CLAIM FORM TYPE is one of 11PW, R63N, R67, R69, R70 or is blank or the file is noted that all correspondence must be issued manually.
CLAIM FORM TO BE ISSUED? Enter if you wish the claim form to be issued by the computer. You cannot enter Y if there is a Y in MANUAL CLAIM FORM?
YEAR Enter the last two numbers of the year for which you wish the claim form issued. You must leave it blank where you have not entered Y in CLAIM FORM TO BE ISSUED? you want to issue a claim form for a year earlier than 1990-91, you want to issue a claim form for a year later than CY+1 or you must make an entry when there is a Y in CLAIM FORM TO BE ISSUED?
TO AGENT? Enter Y if you want the claim form to be sent to the agent. You cannot enter Y if there is not a Y in CLAIM FORM TO BE ISSUED?There is no entry in either AGENT CODE or AGENT NAME or the agent is abroad but the claimant is not.
GO BACK? If you want to review the entries made in Format 1 enter Y.
NEXT CLAIMANT? If you want to go on to set up another claimant without the need to go through Prime Format, enter the reference number of that claimant. You cannot make an entry here if you have already entered Y in GO BACK?.

Press SEND.