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RM2008 - Registering claims: Format 1

Complete Format 1 as follows

Field Notes and action required
FILE NUMBER Enter the reference number of the claim you are registering. \nIt must be the reference number of a case which has been set up in your District and Management Unit.
YEAR You must make an entry here for every claim you are registering. \nIt can only be for CY to CY-7.
R67 Enter the last two numbers of the Income Tax year in which the accounting period shown on page 3 falls.
R249 Enter the year if shown. If not shown, enter the last two numbers of the Income Tax year in which the date entered in `Last claim to’ falls.
All other claim forms Enter the last two numbers of the Income Tax year shown on the form.
PERIOD ENDED If the claim form states that further income is expected before 5 April enter the date the claim form was signed. \nOtherwise leave the field blank. \nThe date must be a valid calendar date in the format DDMMYY or DD/MM/YY. \nIt must not be 05/04 of any year.
R500 If you wish form R500(New) to be automatically issued to the taxpayer enter Y'. \nNote: the computer system cannot issue the form to an agent. The R500 (New) will be issued to the taxpayer in all cases (where a Y’ is entered in the relevant field.
MORE CASES TO REGISTER? Enter Y if the screen is full and you have more claims which you want to register.

Press SEND.

Error messages

The following table tells you the error messages which you will not be able to correct and what to do when you get one.

Error Message Action
NO CLAIMS RECORD UNDER THIS REFERENCE Check that the reference you have entered is that shown on the claim form \nIf it is, delete the screen entry and make the checks in the appropriate part of RM1016. \nIf it is not, amend the entry on screen.
THIS CLAIM HAS ALREADY BEEN REGISTERED Delete the screen entry for this case. \nPass the file with a note of the error message to the allocation officer.
A CLAIM FOR THIS YEAR HAS ALREADY BEEN REGISTERED TODAY Delete the screen entry for this case. \nPass the file with a note of the error message to the allocation officer.
YEAR MUST NOT BE EARLIER THAN CY-7 OR LATER THAN CY Delete the screen entry for this case. \nPass the file with a note of the error message to the allocation officer.
THIS REFERENCE IS NOTED AS CEASED - YOU CANNOT REGISTER A CLAIM Delete the screen entry for this case. \nPass the file with a note of the error message to the allocation officer.