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RM2540 - RA instructions: Format 4

If you entered N in REPAYMENT TO: CLAIMANT/AGENT/NOMINEE you will get Format 4. Complete this as follows.

Field Notes and action required
CLAIMANT A/C NO If the claimant has requested that the repayment be sent directly to the bank or building society at which they hold an account enter the account number here.
NOMINEE NAME Enter the name of the person authorised to receive the repayment. This field does not need asterisks as the nominee details are not held on the claimant’s computer record. You must enter the name of the bank or building society if there is an entry in CLAIMANT A/C NO. If there is an entry on line 2 there must be an entry on line 1. The only acceptable characters are A-Z 0-9 , . () / & - ‘
ADDRESS Enter the address of the person authorised to receive the repayment. If this is a bank or building society enter the full branch address. There must be an entry if there is an entry in NOMINEE NAME and must be blank if there is no entry in NOMINEE NAME
ABROAD? Enter N or leave blank where the address of the person entitled to receive the repayment is within the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands, is one of Her Majesty’s ships with British forces abroad or an address which has a British Forces Post Office (BFPO) number. If the address is not one of the above, enter Y.Must be blank if there is no entry in NOMINEE NAME Must be N or blank if the claimant is not abroad.
NEXT YEAR? If you want to work another repayment for this claimant for a different year, enter the last two numbers of the year you want.
NEXT CLAIMANT/ YEAR? Enter the reference number of the next claimant whose repayment you wish to work together with the last two numbers of the year of repayment. It must be blank if there is an entry in NEXT YEAR?

Press SEND.