RM2648 - Issuing manual payable order: Nominated Districts for stats codes
The following Districts enter a `Stats code’ on all Income Tax repayments of £300 or more.
Office name | Office name | Office name |
Aberdeen 1 | Greenock | Paddington |
Accrington | Grimsby | Pall Mall |
Ayr | Halesowen | Peterhead |
Barnsley | Hampstead | Piccadilly |
Bedford | Hertford | Pimlico |
Bethnal Green | Highbury | Pinner |
Bideford | Holborn | Pontefract |
Bishop Auckland | Hornsey | Portsmouth 1 |
Bloomsbury | Hounslow | PD4 |
Brecon | Hyde | PD8 |
Bristol 9 | Ilford | Putney |
Bristol St Marylebone | Isle of Wight | Redditch |
Camden Town | Kingston | Redhill 2 |
Centre 1 | Launceston | Rhyl |
Chester 1 | Leicester 1 | Romford 2 |
City 7 | Leyton | St George |
City 22 | LP4 | St Giles |
Covent Garden | LP18 | St Helens |
Coventry 3 | LP23 | Scunthorpe |
Craigavon | Ludlow | Shepherd’s Bush |
Derby 1 | Manchester 1 | Shrewsbury |
Dewsbury | Manchester 5 | Solihull Knightsbridge |
Dover | Manchester 8 | Southampton 1 |
Dundee 3 | Mansfield | Tower |
Dunfermline | Merthyr Tydfil | Uxbridge |
Dunstable | Newbury | Watford 1 |
Edinburgh 8 | Newport 2 | Wellingborough |
Enfield 1 | North East 2 | Wick, Glasgow 3 |
Glasgow 6 | North East 3(London) | Wimbledon |
- | North West 3 | Worthing 2 |
Greenford | Norwood | Wrexham |