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RM3104 - Computer issued payable order: Format 1

The screen will show a number after NEXT RELEASE LIST TO BE AUTHORISED .

Check that this number is the same as the serial number on the Release List you want to release.

If the number on the screen and the number on the Release List are not the same abort the transaction.

In a District, you cannot release a later list until all earlier lists have been checked and released.

In an IRO, enter the correct list number in Prime Format.

If the numbers are the same, use the table overleaf to complete Format 1.

Field Notes and action required
NO OF ORDERS TO BE ISSUED Enter the figure you entered at the top of the Release List. \nIt must be a number in the range 0 to 75 for a District or 0 to 50 for an IRO.
PR NUMBERS OF ANY PAYABLE ORDERS TO BE WITHDRAWN Enter the Potential Repayment numbers of any cases which you have crossed off the Release List. \nIt must be a number between 000001 and 999999. \nA number must not appear twice. \nThe total entries in these fields must be the same as the total entries on the Release List less the figure you entered in NO OF ORDERS TO BE ISSUED.