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RM3128 - Manually issued payable order: Security rules

Observe the following rules at all times unless your Group Controller gives you specific permission to vary them.

Aspect or situation The rules
Storage of blank payable orders The Management Inspector keeps blank payable orders under lock and key The District Inspector or Inspector(s) must have a duplicate key to the place where they are kept and at least twice a year should check the stock to see that none is missing, record the results of the check in the establishment file kept for this purpose and make sure that the arrangements for security of the stock are satisfactory.
Handling of completed payable orders The person handling completed payable orders must, never leave them lying on a desk, lock them in a drawer before leaving the desk and take the key.
Handling of payable orders ready for posting The post clerk’s RE keeps payable orders which are ready for posting under lock and key until the time for posting.