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RM3264 - Manually issued payable order: Detailed checks to make

When you have completed the general steps in RM3260 you must carry out some detailed checks of the payable orders with the files. This is to satisfy yourself that the payable order is for the right amount and is going to the correct person at the correct address. Use the table below to help you.

Area on payable order Checks to make
NAME \nCLAIMANT AND NOMINEE Check that the name in the box on the payable order is the same as the name on the R23.
ADDRESS \nCLAIMANT AND NOMINEE Check that the address to which the payable order is being sent agrees with that on the R23.
AMOUNT Check that the amount shown on the payable order agrees the amount on the R23 and R37.If it is over £250,000 check that there is a correctly authorised R49.If there is a complete date of issue and payable order serial number on both copies of the R49. Pass the copy R49 to the RSO and file the original R49 in the file with the claims papers. \nIf there is not, tell the RSO.
STATS Check that any stats code on the R23 has been typed on the payable order.
DATE OF ISSUE Check that it is today’s date and that it is written on the R23.
PAYABLE ORDER NUMBER Check that the typist has entered his correctly on the R23.