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RM3316 - How to prepare and issue payable order: Payable order not collected

Use the table below to find out how long you keep the payable order if it is not collected. An Inspector must keep it under lock and key at all times.

Situation Action
You have an address for the claimant Wait two days. Then send a letter to the claimant saying that the payable order is being posted under separate cover then send the payable order to the claimant in the normal way
You do not have an address for the claimant Wait two weeks. Then cancel the payable order, place it in the cancelled payable order establishment file and use OLDC to notify FAO (Payments) that the payable order has been cancelled. If the claimant contacts you again about the repayment,use OLDC to request authority to issue a replacement payable order. FAO (Payments) will then issue an FAO 2601