RM3664P - Claims selected for the detailed check: reviewing the claim form: claims made on behalf of minors: contents
RM3664What is a minor
RM3668Claim made by or on behalf of minor
RM3676Submissions to HMRC Trusts Head Office Edinburgh
RM3677Claims for 16/17 year olds living in Scotland
RM3680Decide whether claimant is entitled to repayment
RM3684Confirm a minor's title to income
RM3688Claims for income from several sources
RM3692Minor is beneficiary under a will
RM3693Minor has absolute interest under will
RM3696Minor's income is from trust
RM3700Minor's income is from deed of covenant
RM3704Part of minor's income received under maintenance order
RM3708Minor's income is from funds held by court
RM3712Minor's income is earned income
RM3716Minor's income from any other source
RM3720The details you need
RM3724When to inform the owners' GCD
RM3728Whether to accept that income is minor's
RM3732How to review the form