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RM4068 - RO instructions: Vouchers: not in taxpayers name as shares transferred

Stocks and shares may be transferred from one owner to another without going through the stock exchange.

This is usually done under a deed. The company concerned has to register the transfer and this may take time. Until the new owner’s name has been registered a dividend or interest may be paid to the person who has made the transfer.

If the new owner claims repayment of some or all of the tax credit or tax deducted from interest ask to see the

  • transfer document (RM3516 - RM3524)


  • the original dividend or interest voucher.

If the claimant cannot send the above documents you can accept a statement from a solicitor. This statement must provide all the following

  • the date of transfer
  • the name and address of the person transferring the stocks or shares
  • the name and address of the person to whom they were transferred
  • confirmation that this person is the beneficial owner or the name and address of the person who is the beneficial owner.