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RM4142 - RO instructions: vouchers from Bank of England etc

The table below tells you how to handle vouchers from the Bank of England and other National Institutions

Voucher type Action
Certificates issued by the Bank of England You need never confirm the voucher. If you do have any doubts or problems write to Oil and Finance Division (Banks).
Vouchers or warrant counterfoils showing tax deducted by the Bank of Ireland, or the National Savings Bank or the National Debt Commissioners You need never confirm the voucher
Vouchers issued by a nationalised industry or public board. You need never confirm the voucher. If you have any doubts or problems write to the District dealing with the registered office of the industry or board.
Issued by Government Departments. You need never confirm the voucher. If you have any doubts or problems write to Head Office (Public Departments).
Counterfoils issued by the Court Funds Office England and Wales. You need never confirm the voucher. If you need additional information about the income write to Central Policy (Tax Administration Advice Team), Stockport.