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RM4220 - RO instructions: claimant/agent wants vouchers returned before repayment.

If the claimant or agent wants you to return the vouchers before the repayment has been supervised

  • get a written request from the claimant or agent explain that you
  • need the vouchers for the repayment


  • will send them back as soon as possible after the repayment.

If the claimant or agent insists on the return of vouchers before repayment

  • get a written request from the claimant or agent
  • agree to return vouchers. See RM4224
  • explain that you cannot repay without them
  • ask your Group Leader to initial the letter asking for the return of the vouchers.

If the case appears on the Open Claims List ask your Group Leader to authorise you to clear the claim as `not pursued’.

If you get the vouchers back, cancel them again, check them and repay.