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RM4516 - Group Leader instructions: computer output: Processing Centre output

As its name suggests Processing Centre output is produced at the Processing Centre and is then sent to the claimant, agent or District. The table below tells you, for each type of output

  • how often it will be produced
  • where to find further details.
Output When it is produced Where to find further details
Claim form On the day following the request for new claimants. After the issue of R37(T) or R37(PO) for existing claimants. RM4520 and RM5121
R37(T) When the repayment has been released for issue RM4524 - RM4532
Combined R37(T) and Payable order When the repayment has been released for issue Not applicable
Unprocessed Transaction Review List Monthly RM5280
Uncleared Electronic Mail Review List Once every two months RM5352
Post Repayment Security List Weekly by first class post to Dis RM3113