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RM5028 - Payable orders: Claimant withdraws authority to repay nominee

Sometimes a claimant will withdraw the authority given you to repay a nominee after the payable order has been issued. This withdrawal is referred to as the notice of revocation.

Telephone FAO(Payments) on the day you get the notice from the claimant to find out whether payment has been cleared. Then follow the chart below to decide what to do.

Click here to see Flowchart

When the RO passes you the papers with the FAO 2601

  • write STOPPED in red on the hardcopy


  • if the payable order was issued manually

write STOPPED in red in the payable order box on the R23

use the stamp provided to make a new box on the R23

write the serial number of the stopped payable order in this box

in all cases, pass the papers to the RO.

Issue a replacement payable order to the claimant (RM5032).