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RM5040 - Payable orders: Replacement of computer issued payable order: same amount

When you are issuing a replacement computer produced payable order in the same amount as the original

  • check that the hardcopy has been marked CANCELLED or STOPPED
  • complete Prime Format as follows.
Field Entry
IDENTITY Your identity
PASSWORD Your password
NINO/REGISTER NO The claims reference number
YEAR The last two numbers of the year. Example: for 1990-91 enter 91
DETAILS Leave blank

Press SEND

Make the following entries on Format 1.

Field Entry and notes
CANC Enter Y
CANCELLED SERIAL NO Enter the serial number of the cancelled payable order. It must be the serial number of a payable order which was issued by the computer for the year entered in Prime Format.

The serial number of the cancelled payable order will be shown on

the FAO 2601


if you are reissuing the payable order at the request of Processing Centre Management in the LATEST PO FOR YEAR: SERIAL NO field. Press SEND

You do not need to make any entries on Format 2.

Press SEND

Amend the entries where necessary using the Format 3 rules at RM2572

Press SEND


  • wait for the hardcopy
  • if the repayment is for more than £ 250,000 complete a form R49
  • pass the file through for repayment.