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RM5132 - Transfers out: Computer record

Note the computer record with the transfer details.

Complete Prime Format as follows.

Field Entry
IDENTITY Your identy
PASSWORD Your password
NINO/REGISTER NO The claims reference number
YEAR Leave blank
DETAILS Leave blank

Press SEND .

Make the following entries on Format 1.

Field Entry
DATE CASE CEASED Enter the period end date of the last claim. \nIt must be today or earlier and be in the format DDMMYY or DD/MM/YY.
TRANSFERRED TO: Enter the name of the District to whom you are transferring the case. \nYou cannot make an entry here if you have not entered the date of cessation in DATE CASE CEASED
AT REFERENCE: Enter the reference to which you are transferring the case. \nYou cannot make an entry here if you have not entered the District in TRANSFERRED TO:

If you are sending the file to the new District press SEND.

If you are not sending the file press CTRL and P to obtain a screen print.