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RM5208 - Statistics: Claims Annual Management Statistics

The Claims Annual Management Statistics List is printed as part of Early morning output on the District printer in the management unit which contains the annual claims cases. It is produced once a year on or about the last working day of that year.

The list is divided into two sections

  • Population count per grade
  • Claims received per alpha prefix.

The `Population count per grade’ section gives you a count of the number of claimants in the following categories subdivided into those noted as RO, RE or INSP cases

  • claimants under 65
  • claimants between 65 and 74
  • claimants over 74
  • claimants other than individuals. This entry will be nil in IROs.

The `Claims received per alpha prefix’ section gives you a count of the number of claims received for each alpha prefix. It may be particularly useful in some Districts for allocation control.