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RM5294 - Management and security: Unauthorised Repayment Release Lists in IROs

In IROs details of Repayment Release Lists which have not yet been authorised will be printed out each morning for the attention of the Officer in charge.

  • if all earlier Release Lists were released by the end of the previous working day `There are no entries for this list’ will be printed
  • otherwise the consecutive numbers of any unreleased lists will be printed.

A Nominated Inspector must make sure that

  • an Inspector or RSO has the lists and papers
  • there is good reason for the delay in releasing the lists.
  • If a list is missing
  • if it should have been printed the day before obtain a reprint (RM Supplement pages 3-16)
  • if it should have been printed earlier telephone the Manager or the Service Manager at the Processing Centre
  • have the claim papers found
  • if you suspect fraud telephone FAO (Internal Audit HQ). For every case
  • note each list to show the result of your check and any action taken
  • retain checked lists in the Repayments Control File.