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RM5520 - RO instructions: What to do when you receive the guidance from HMRC Trusts Bootle

When you receive the guidance from HMRC Trusts Head Office Edinburgh

  • follow the advice
  • if you can accept the claim use the table below to confirm the trust income.
TRUSTEE (as shown on voucher) ACTION
Listed at TM/APP3. Follow the guidance from HMRC Trusts Head Office Edinburgh.
Any other Trustee If you have received an R185 or R185(Estate Income) send it to the HMRC Trusts office with a covering form R51. If you have not received a voucher send a form R51 to the HMRC Trusts office and ask them to confirm the income.
When you receive the HMRC Trusts office reply When you receive the HMRC Trusts office reply follow the HMRC Trusts Head Office Edinburgh advice.