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RM5532 - RO instructions: Preparing the claim for repayment

When you have calculated the overpayment

  • follow the instructions at RM2584 onwards
  • if supplement is due calculate it (RM2588 onwards)
  • if there are any arrears see RM2608 onwards
  • complete an R23 (RM2640)
  • prepare an explanation of the repayment for the claimant as follows
  • use a form R37 or R37A-1 if it is suitable. Otherwise prepare a typed computation
  • keep your explanation clear and simple. Do not use abbreviations
  • keep a copy
  • put the computation on top of the claim papers so that it can be sent with the payable order
  • always send the computation to the agent if there is one
  • before you pass the file through for repayment (RM2644) mark the file back to you to clear the `Manual claims register’ when the payable order has been issued. (RM5536)