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RDRM11540 - Residence: The SRT: Full-time education of children and the family tie

The individual will not have a family tie with a child who:

  • is UK resident
  • is under 18 years of age
  • is in full-time education in the UK at any time in the tax year
  • would not be UK resident if the time spent in full-time education in the UK was disregarded, and
  • spends fewer than 21 days in the UK outside term-time

Term-time includes half-term breaks, and any other breaks when teaching is not provided, such as inset days.

Full-time education in the UK means full-time education at a university, college, school or other educational establishment in the UK. Time spent in full-time education in the UK means time spent in the establishment during term-time.


Yok Lin attends boarding school in the UK. Term dates are:

  • Saturday 6 April to Friday 5 July
  • Sunday 3 September to Friday 15 December
  • Sunday 7 January to Friday 23 March
  • Sunday 15 April to Friday 6 July

She remains in the UK for the half-terms, staying with various friends and relatives, returning to the family home in Thailand during Christmas and Easter holidays. She spends 2 weeks of the summer break with her friends, travelling home to Thailand on 21 July.

As Yok Lin is only in the UK for 14 days outside term-time, her parents will not have a family tie with Yok Lin for the purposes of the SRT.