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RDRM12240 - Residence: The SRT: Split year treatment: Case7: The partner of someone ceasing full-time work overseas

An individual may have been living abroad with their partner while they were in full-time employment overseas. If their partner stops working overseas and returns or relocates to the UK and the individual decides to join them here, then they may qualify for Case 7 split year treatment.

They must:

  • Be UK resident for the tax year
  • Have been not resident in the UK for the previous tax year
  • Have a partner whose circumstances fall within the criteria for Case 6 split year treatment, either in the tax year in question or the previous tax year
  • Move to the UK on a day in the tax year so they can continue to live together with their partner on their return or relocation to the UK
  • Be resident in the UK for the following tax year
  • In the part of the year before their deemed arrival day either:
  • They have had no home in the UK at any time, or
  • If they have had homes both in the UK and overseas, they spend the greater part of the time living in their overseas home
  • Not exceed the permitted limit of days spent in the UK in the overseas part of the tax year before the UK part of the year commenced.