RDRM32300 - Remittance Basis: Accessing the remittance basis: Remittance Basis Charge - Nomination of foreign income and gains: Contents
RDRM32310Nomination of foreign income and gains - overview
RDRM32320Making a Nomination
RDRM32330Relevant Tax Increase
RDRM32340Relevant tax increase: Example 1
RDRM32350Relevant tax increase: Example 2
RDRM32360Insufficient nomination - automatic additional nomination of income under ITA07/s809H(4)
RDRM32370Example - Insufficient Nomination
RDRM32380Completing the SA Return - How is this done in practice?
RDRM32390Payments on Account - interaction with the remittance basis charge (RBC)
RDRM32400Payments on Account - nominations involving chargeable gains
RDRM32410Payments on Account - first-year of paying RBC
RDRM32420Payments on Account - no remittance basis charge due in following year
RDRM32430Claim to reduce Payments on Account (PoA)
RDRM32435Payments on account: Changes from 6 April 2012
RDRM32440Double taxation relief claims
RDRM32450Charitable Donations and Gift Aid