RDRM34000 - Remittance basis: exemptions: contents
RDRM34010Exemptions - overview
RDRM34020Remittance basis charge - money paid directly to HMRC
RDRM34030Remittance basis charge - repayment by HMRC
RDRM34040Relevant services provided in the UK
RDRM34050Relevant services provided in the UK not included in exemption
RDRM34060Relevant services provided in the UK - location of overseas property
RDRM34070Exempt property - Introduction
RDRM34080Property ceasing to be exempt property
RDRM34090Exempt property - public access rule
RDRM34120Public access rule - Condition B - available for public access at an approved establishment
RDRM34130Public access rule - Condition B - approved establishment - definition
RDRM34140Public access rule - Condition B - available for public access - definition
RDRM34150Public access rule - Condition C - two year period
RDRM34170Exempt Property - The personal use rule - clothing, footwear, jewellery or watches
RDRM34180Exempt Property - Notional remitted amount less than £1,000
RDRM34190Exempt Property - Repair rule - property
RDRM34200Repair rule - allowable repair premises
RDRM34210Exempt property - temporary importation rule
RDRM34220Temporary importation rule - countable days
RDRM34230Temporary importation rule - period of importation
RDRM34240Sales of exempt property
RDRM34250Disposal proceeds
RDRM34260Disposal proceeds: Agency fees
RDRM34270Taking proceeds offshore or investing them
RDRM34280Chargeable gains on sales of exempt property
RDRM34285Exempt property used to make a qualifying business investment
RDRM34290Exempt property, lost, stolen or destroyed
RDRM34300Business Investment Relief: contents