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RDRM35150 - Remittance Basis: Amounts Remitted: Remittances of 'nominated' income or gains: Remittances of nominated income or gains - example 1

Alexandria has foreign income or gains, and uses the remittance basis

In 2013-14 Alexandria actually and identifiably remits

The ordering rules are triggered. The ‘relevant year’ is 2013-14

Alexandria will be taxed on £220,000 of remittances as if she had actually remitted the following

Alexandria has foreign income or gains, and uses the remittance basis

as follows:

Year Foreign chargeable gains (Para (d)) Relevant foreign income - Jersey (Para (c)) Relevant foreign earnings (Para (a)) Nomination
(from Jersey RFI)          
  2010-11 £250,000 £75,000 £200,000 £75,000 RFI
  2011-12 £300,000 £80,000 £120,000 £75,000 RFI
  2012-13 Nil £75,000 £280,000 £75,000 RFI
  2013-14 £130,000 £80,000 £150,000 £75,000 RFI
  Totals £680,000 £310,000 £750,000 -

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In 2013-2014 Alexandria actually and identifiably remits:

  • £30,000 Jersey relevant foreign income she nominated in 2010-2011
  • £140,000 foreign chargeable gains from 2011-2012, and
  • £50,000 relevant foreign earnings from 2013-2014

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The ordering rules are triggered. The ‘relevant year’ is 2013-14

Step 1

Identify nominated income and gains remitted in the relevant year - £30,000. Relevant amount £220,000.

Identify the remittance basis income and gains remitted in the relevant year - £190,000

Step 2

Find the total amount of the individual’s foreign income and gains (excluding those nominated) for the relevant tax year:

  • Para (a) relevant foreign earnings (not subject to a foreign tax) £150,000
  • Para (c) relevant foreign income (not subject to a foreign tax) £5,000
  • Para (d) foreign chargeable gains (not subject to a foreign tax) £130,000

Step 3

Identify the earliest of paragraphs (a) to (h) above for which the amount determined in step 2 is not nil – para (a) £150,000

Step 4

Where the relevant amount is greater than the amount identified above, the relevant amount is reduced by the amount identified - £220,000 less £150,000 = £70,000

Step 5

If the relevant amount is not nil go back and repeat step 3. Take the reference to the first of paragraphs (a) to (h) as a reference to the earliest paragraph not previously taken into account under step 3.

Step 3

Repeated – para (c) £5,000

Step 4

Repeated – relevant amount reduced to £65,000

Step 5

In the order of preference listed above repeat steps 3 and 4

Step 3

Repeated – para (d) £130,000

Step 4

If the relevant amount is less than the amount identified, treat the whole of the remaining amount of the transfer as coming from that item of income or gain.

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Alexandria will be taxed on £220,000 of remittances as if she had actually remitted the following

Foreign chargeable gains

Year Accruing in year Actually remitted to UK Treated as remitted
2010-2011 £250,000 Nil Nil
2011-2012 £300,000 £140,000 Nil
2012-2013 Nil Nil Nil
2013-2014 £130,000 Nil £65,000

Relevant foreign income: Nominated

Year Arising in year Actually remitted to UK Treated as remitted
2010-2011 £75,000 £30,000 Nil
2011-2012 £75,000 Nil Nil
2012-2013 £75,000 Nil Nil
2013-2014 £75,000 Nil Nil

Relevant foreign income: Not nominated

Year Arising in year Actually remitted to UK Treated as remitted
2010-2011 Nil Nil Nil
2011-2012 £5,000 Nil Nil
2012-2013 Nil Nil Nil
2013-2014 £5,000 Nil £5,000

Relevant foreign earnings

Year Arising in year Actually remitted to UK Treated as remitted
2010-2011 £200,000 Nil Nil
2011-2012 £120,000 Nil Nil
2012-2013 £280,000 Nil Nil
2013-2014 £150,000 £50,000 £150,000

If in future years she actually remits any of these monies, the ordering rules will treat her as having remitted something else instead (refer to RDRM35160 - Example 1 continuation).