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SAIM1030 - Savings and investment income: how to use the Savings and Investment Manual

Internal users and professional advisers

HMRC staff and external professional advisers are most likely to use this manual to find out the correct technical position on the taxation of savings and investment income, and for guidance on procedural matters.

There are two ways to get to what you need.

Tables of contents

You can use the tables of contents in each chapter to drill down to the pages you need.


Internal users can search the SAIM by using the ‘Search this manual’ left bar button.

Internet users cannot use the left bar. Instead search the manual’s area using your chosen keywords and look for results in the SAIM.

Sometimes this will take you to detailed pages, which should not be relied on out of context. Therefore we strongly recommend that you press the menu button to see the context before reading particular pages.

Hyperlinks have been added where reference is made to material in other HMRC manuals. SAIM20000 contains the links to some of the manuals referenced in SAIM.


HMRC users who need advice from Technical Specialists on subjects covered by the SAIM should follow the ‘Resources’ at SAIM15000.

Members of the public

Members of the public are most likely to use the manual to supplement the guidance in the Tax Return Guide. Web pages on how to claim tax back on Bank and Building Society interest, and on a number of other aspects of Savings and Investment income, are to be found on the HMRC website. You can also find information about the tax treatment of specific National Savings and Investments products on the HMRC website (search on ‘National Savings’). See SAIM1120 for more on tax-exempt savings.

Non-statutory business clearances

In cases of doubt about the application of the law to specific transactions where there is material uncertainty and the issue is commercially significant, external business customers may use the Clearance Service for Businesses. External customers dealt with by the Large Business Service should send their clearance requests to their Customer Compliance Manager.