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SG62200 - The security: repaying a security deposit: repaying a PAYE/NICs security

Before you repay a security deposit that you no longer require, check if the person who has given security (PGS) has any outstanding debts to HMRC. If there are debts you must set-off all or part of the security against them, see SG66350.

If the business is insolvent, see SG66400.

The Department has a set-off policy.

Once you are satisfied that there are no outstanding debts to HMRC complete a SAFE1 and send it to the Miscellaneous Charges Unit (MCU) for them to make the repayment. They will need to know

  • the PGS’s name and reference number
  • the SAFE charge reference
  • the amount of security to be repaid
  • to whom the cheque should be made payable
  • confirmation of the address for the repayment
  • confirmation of the bank details (sort code and account number) for the repayment.

If the person wants payment to be made directly to their bank account ask them for written authority, including their bank sort code and account number.

If security is held in a joint bank account, see SG54000, contact the Cash Management Policy Team.

If security was given in the form of a performance bond, see SG64000.