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SAM100261 - Records: set up taxpayer record: set up trust record (Action Guide)

When you want to set up an SA record for a trust, consider steps 1 - 11 below. The guide is presented as follows

Initial action - Steps 1 - 4
Setting up an SA record - Steps 5 - 8
Particular circumstances - Steps 9 - 11

For details of how to access any of the SA functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

Initial action

1. Ensure that an SA record does not already exist for the Trust

2. Obtain completed form 41G (Trust)

3. Check whether or not form 64-8 is held. If so, you will need this when setting up the SA record

4. Satisfy yourself that

  • The case is proper to your office
  • A trust type SA record does not already exist for the case. Use function TI to access the National Tracing System

Setting up an SA record

5. To set up the SA taxpayer record

  • Use function SET UP TRUST. Any entries to designatory fields must be made in UPPER CASE
  • Enter details in the Other System and Other System Reference fields
  • Select the [Add Trustee] button to access function SET UP CAPACITY DETAILS
  • Use function SET UP CAPACITY DETAILS to set up the main trustee first, and then the other trustees. The computer will accept the first trustee entered as the main trustee, to whom correspondence will be issued

6. Use function MAINTAIN RETURN PROFILE to record the supplementary pages to be issued with the basic return. More detailed advice is given in subject ‘New Commencement Cases’ (SAM120070)

7. If today’s date is after the automatic selection process for returns issue on 6 April next has run, or you need to issue a return for CY-1

  • Use function RECORD RETURN REQUEST to
  • Select the relevant year for automatic issue of a return
  • Indicate whether or not Failure to Notify applies in a CY-1 return case

Note: If it is a pension case then the return (SA970) has to be issued manually

8. Where there is no agent acting

  • Advise the taxpayer of the UTR allocated, and to be quoted in future correspondence

Particular circumstances

9. Where there is an agent acting

  • Use function TAXPAYER NEW AGENT DETAILS to establish the national agent code, and to enter that code on the trust record
  • Advise the agent of the UTR allocated to the trust SA record

10. Where the trust has a trade source including trading profits and profit from a profession or vocation

  • Use function SET UP TRADE, once for each trading source you want to set up. If the trust has more than one source, set up the main source first
  • If, exceptionally, the source is within the construction industry
  • Use function MAINTAIN COMPLIANCE SIGNALS to enter on the SA record the nature of the trust’s involvement in the construction industry
  • Issue form P510 to the relevant PAYE office / section, if the business has employees

11. Where the trust is a partner in a partnership

  • Follow Action Guide ‘Trust Record And Partner Source’ (SAM100281)

Note: The minimum information that is required to successfully use function SET UP TRUST is trust name and the main capacity address. If you set up the SA record with this minimum information, the computer will not prompt you at a later date to enter capacity details